Avoid Common Pitfalls and Succeed in college You have made it to college. Now what? Find out the best and worst practices of college students, so you know what to avoid.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Manage Your Time

Become Financially Responsible – Too many students fall into the trap of credit card debt and money mis-management. This often causes students to drop out of college without realizing the repercussions of their actions both to their credit history and to their future.

Your Credit Score

Avoid Idenity Theft

Manage Your Student Loans

Career Planning – Interviewing for jobs and performing a job search are important skills. It's important to focus on preparation for career search success.

Career Exploration

Your Successful Job Search

Successful Interviewing

Resume Writing

Repay Your Student Loans – If you are unable to make payments, you can obtain a forbearance, deferment, or consolidate your student loans. There are also loan forgiveness programs and student loan repayment programs.

Your Repayment Options

Common Deferment Options

What's a Forbearance?

Is Consolidation Right for Me?

Loan Forgiveness and Repayment Programs

Arizona Student Loans - Arizona Higher Education Loan Authority Arizona Student Loans - Arizona Higher Education Loan Authority