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Why Go To College?

You may have not yet made a decision about if you should go to college or maybe you think you can’t. Remember to keep your options open, so when the time comes you can make the right decision for you. You keep your options open by taking the classes needed to get into college, taking college assessment tests (SAT, ACT), and continuing to take school seriously. Then before you decide whether you should or shouldn't go to college, here are a few things for you to consider.

What Can Education Do For You?

  • Continuing your education after high school is much more important for your generation than it was for previous generations. Today most good jobs require a college degree. Employers want to hire people who know how to think and solve problems, are comfortable with technology, and have proven they have the ability to learn.
  • The more education you get the more likely it is you will always have a job. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the unemployment rate is higher for individuals who did not continue their education beyond high school.
  • For every year of additional education you get after high school, you decrease the chance you will be unemployed and increase your chances of earning good pay. Most college graduates earn a lot more money over their lifetime than people who only graduate from high school.
  • According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a college graduate is likely to earn over 1 million dollars more than a high school graduate in their lifetime. Want to be a millionaire? Study hard and continue your education!

Expected Lifetime Earnings

Professional degree

$4.4 million

Doctoral degree

$3.4 million

Master's degree

$2.5 million

Bachelor's degree

$2.1 million

Associate's degree

$1.6 million

Some college

$1.5 million

High school graduate

$1.2 million

Non-high school graduate

$1 million


Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Education beyond high school offers a lot of other benefits, including meeting new people, taking part in new opportunities to explore your interests, and experiencing success. College graduates are shown to have less financial woes, more satisfying careers, enjoy more hobbies, and in general enjoy a higher quality of life.

What's Stopping You?


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